Understanding the Unique Benefits of the McGregor PACE Program
How PACE Provides an Alternative to a Nursing Home
We understand that for many individuals living at home currently, moving to an Assisted Living community is viewed as a last resort. For individuals who want to remain at home and age in place, PACE (Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly) is the only program in Ohio that provides the opportunity to do that.
Why is PACE such a unique and beneficial program for seniors?
Qualifying seniors in Cuyahoga County benefit from subsidized care. For example, if you have a monthly income of $1500, PACE and the Cuyahoga Metropolitan Housing Authority (CMHA) will subsidize the balance of that. That means no out-of-pocket expense for physical or occupational therapy or transportation to the doctor. Unless you are experiencing a severe medical emergency, you will come to one of the PACE centers for triage and be seen by PACE nurses and doctors: This is significantly less expensive than the cost of going to a regular hospital emergency room.
When you outlive your opportunities to stay at home, the PACE program will support you. If you live beyond your income and assets, the program affords you your next phase of life in Assisted Living. This prevents you from having to move directly from your home into a nursing home or group home and provides you with a greater quality of life.
You can still enroll in PACE if you are over-assets. Again, instead of having to move directly to a nursing home, you can stay in your home and be transported free of charge to adult day centers where you will receive hot meals, have an opportunity to socialize, meet new people, and learn new things. However, remember that if you live in your home and drive your car, your home and car are not considered an asset. When you move to McGregor Assisted Living, they become assets. Once you sell those assets and use all of that money to pay the difference in your income and the costs, PACE and CMHA will begin paying the subsidy for you to stay in Assisted Living.
If you have questions about how PACE enrollment and eligibility works, and what the process of transitioning from PACE into Assisted Living is like, please contact our team.