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LIVE at HOME. Your Goal. Our Priority!

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Wishing you a peaceful Labor-less Day

Happy Labor Day


Labor Day is an annual celebration of the social and economic achievements from American workers. The holiday began in the late nineteenth century when labor activists pushed for a federal holiday to recognize the workers that helped make advancements in America. New York was the first state to recognize Labor Day, but Oregon was the first state to pass a law that recognizes Labor Day as a holiday. By 1894, Congress passed an act that made Labor Day a national holiday to be celebrated on the first Monday of September annually.

Many Americans celebrate Labor Day with festivities and parades. This celebration derives from the first holiday where Americans attended parades which led to festivals for recreation and amusement for our workers.

The National Air Show is a popular celebration for families in the Cleveland area, which will be held August 31 through September 2. There will also be a Taco Festival in Jacobs Pavillion from August 30 to September 2. There are many other celebrations that you can partake in within many different communities in Northeast Ohio.

American Labor has raised the nation’s strength, freedom, and leadership thanks to the American workers. The American workers continuously improve our standard of living by contributing their skills to the workforce. So, let today be a day where you celebrate all your achievements and contribution to our country.



July 9, 2024, Written by: Kaitlyn Keenan /Graphics: Kat Eddy-McGregor Marketing and Communication Interns-Summer 2024


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Happy Labor Day

Wishing you a peaceful Labor-less Day

  Labor Day is an annual celebration of the social and economic achievements from American workers. The holiday began in the late nineteenth century when


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