LIVE at HOME. Your Goal. Our Priority!

888-895-PACE (7223)*

*not for medical emergencies or to discuss participant details

LIVE at HOME. Your Goal. Our Priority!

888-895-PACE (7223)*

*not for medical emergencies or to discuss participant details

Does Your Parent Need In-Home Health Care?

Understanding When It Is Time for In-Home Health Care

Common Signs a Parent Is Struggling to Live Independently

If your aging parent or loved one lives alone without any caregiving support, it is important to look for signs that they are struggling. The decision of whether to call an in-home health care provider can be a difficult one. Many seniors can be hesitant to admit they need help or stubbornly resistant to the idea of home health care services. Sometimes children and family members are able to pitch in occasionally but not on a regular or daily basis. However, the decision can be easier when the signs that a parent needs in-home support are very clear. 

Here are some signs of seniors who are struggling to live independently:

They are neglecting their personal hygiene.

You may notice an increase in body odor along with a decrease in bathing. Perhaps they are having difficulty with basic hygiene tasks like bathing or going to the bathroom. Dirty laundry may be piling up, leaving them with no clean clothing options.

They are neglecting their personal health.

Signs of this include food spoiling on the counter or rotting items in the fridge. Or, you might open the fridge and be alarmed that it is bare, indicating they are not able, or they are forgetting, to shop for groceries. Other indicators may be sudden weight loss or weight gain. Are you noticing an increase in frozen or pre-made convenience foods? This could be a sign that a senior is struggling to provide themselves with healthy food options.

They are becoming more forgetful.

You may see a notice for an unpaid bill or a stack of unopened mail on a table. You might receive a call from your parent’s doctor’s office notifying you that they missed an appointment. In general, the house may seem more cluttered. While this does not necessarily point to a memory issue, it does suggest your parent is becoming overwhelmed with daily tasks and responsibilities.

They are becoming disinterested.

Perhaps your loved one usually joins a weekly card group, regularly meets a neighbor for a short walk, or enjoys filling bird feeders to watch out the window. If they stop showing interest in hobbies or activities they have long enjoyed, consider it a sign that they may need additional support.

If you notice any of the above signs, it is a good time to look into available in-home health services for your loved one. Eligible seniors in Cuyahoga County can benefit from McGregor PACE’s in-home health care providers. Our caregivers can provide home health care, homemaker and chore services, home meals, and more to assist individuals who wish to age in place. 

Please reach out to us with questions and to learn more about how PACE can potentially help a parent or loved one with in-home health care.


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