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LIVE at HOME. Your Goal. Our Priority!

888-895-PACE (7223)*

*not for medical emergencies or to discuss participant details

Getting the Most out of Physical Therapy Sessions

Physical Therapy Is a Necessity for Many Seniors.

Here Are Some Tips to Help Them Get the Most out of Their Sessions. 

Physical therapy is a vital component of many health care plans for seniors. Whether one is nursing an injury after a fall or a chronic ailment that requires on-going work, physical therapy should be taken seriously. There is a good chance that a senior has never gone through a physical therapy regimen before, and they might not know what to expect. Here are some tips you can use to make sure that the senior in your life is getting the most out of physical therapy sessions:

Tip #1: Ask Questions.

Every movement and exercise from physical therapy serves a purpose and knowing what that is can help unlock the full potential of the experience. Have your loved one ask away during their sessions. The more they know, the more value they will find in their visits. 

Tip #2: Find out Who Their Therapist Will Be.

Ask around and get some info about the new therapist. It’s always good to know a little bit about their background and you might even be able to find a good referral from someone who had therapy for the condition your senior is facing. If they are working with a therapist and it is not a good fit, you can always try to find another provider. 

Tip #3: Help Them Approach Therapy Sessions as a Learning Opportunity.

Sometimes people don’t like the physical part of physical therapy. Take away the notion that these sessions are for exercise. They are really training their body and mind to heal and operate within the construct of whatever condition being treated. They should approach the sessions with the mentality that they are getting an education in caring for themselves rather than physical conditioning or exercising. 

Tip #4: They Should Put in the Effort.

Some of the motions that their therapist will have them work on might be difficult and even seem impossible. If your loved one ends up being uncomfortable or unable to perform a task, they should let the therapist know, but before they do, they should give it a try. They’ve got to put forth the effort to get the results! 

Tip #5: They Should Have Honest Discussions With Their Therapist.

If they haven’t been able to do your exercises for the week, they should be honest about that. They need to be honest, because if the therapist thinks your loved one is keeping up with the activities they are given and not seeing the results they expect, they might change the plan, and that may not be good for the senior in your life. 

McGregor PACE offers physical therapy as part of our program. To find out more about the opportunities we have for therapy and many other services, contact us today!

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