Benefit From Aging Services in Your Community
How McGregor PACE Can Support You
Does your home feel like a burden?
Are you struggling to keep up with chores, cooking, or personal hygiene?
Is a family member acting as your primary caregiver?
If you or a loved one is struggling to continue living at home, your options can seem limited. Your caregiver may be stressed and worried about how to provide the level of care you need. While your choice would be to stay in your home, you and your family may feel that a move to a nursing home is inevitable.
There is another choice—and a better way to live. For eligible seniors in Cuyahoga County, that choice is McGregor PACE. The PACE program can reduce the burden on you and your caregivers and help you regain your independence, your freedom, and your enjoyment of life—age in place on your own terms.
McGregor PACE can help you live your life safely in your own home in your community. Gain peace of mind from our continuity of care as a life plan community: If and when your needs change, you can transition to Assisted Living or nursing care within a familiar environment.
These are just some of the services provided by PACE:
Health and Support Services
- Transportation to and from our adult day centers
- Access to primary care and clinic services
- Hot meals at our adult day centers
- Access to a social worker for any specific needs or concerns
- Physical and occupational therapy services
- Group social activities
- Access to a food pantry
Home Services
- Health care services provided in-home
- Homemaker and chore services
- In-home meals
Specialist Care Services
- Access to medical specialists
- Foot care
- Dental, vision, and hearing services
- Laboratory tests and X-rays
- Access to needed medical equipment
- Prescription services
- Hospital and emergency care
We invite you to learn more about PACE by attending an upcoming event or reaching out to our team. Have your questions answered and discover how you can live better—and smarter—with the aid of the PACE program.