McGregor’s Commitment to Improving the Employee Experience
Finding Greater Meaning in Our Work in Aging Services
“Every person has a longing to be significant; to make a contribution; to be a part of something noble and purposeful.” – John C. Maxwell
In the last year and a half, the leadership team at McGregor has put an emphasis on strengthening our company culture. How did we accomplish this? We listen to our employees and implement their feedback. If you are familiar with the work of John C. Maxwell, you will know that he has a 360 degree philosophy of leadership: People can lead from all levels. Whether you are a department manager, a team lead, or a member of the line staff at McGregor, you may be a leader for our organization: Whether or not you think of yourself as a leader, your colleagues may listen to you and trust your instincts and perspectives.
Our job is to have an entrepreneurial mindset, harness that energy and leadership, and put your ideas into action. Oftentimes, our employees can spot issues and challenges that we cannot see at a more senior management level. As a senior care organization, we are small and nimble enough to pivot quickly and not get stuck in our ways. We want to make the experience of working at McGregor as rewarding as possible. Our employees are expected to be proactive but also to take ownership of their work. This improves the performance of our organization, increases employee motivation, helps us to attract and attain top talent, and opens new opportunities—sometimes this means creating new positions that would otherwise not exist.
We’ve launched programs like Earn and Learn, an opportunity for individuals to take the State Tested Nursing Assistant (STNA) class at no cost while also earning an income as you complete the training and licensure process. This past May, we launched the second class of the McGregor Leadership Academy, a 6-month program that was launched in response to our teams’ sharing how important training and leadership opportunities are to them. These are just two examples.
We hope that you see an opportunity to challenge your own senior care organization to look for ways to encourage your team members to be creative, share their ideas, and take greater ownership of guiding the organization into the future.