Allowing Seniors to Continue to Live in Their Community
Comprehensive Support for Seniors, Caregivers, and Family Members
When you watch any of the videos in the Before I Found PACE series by the National PACE Association, one thing will become abundantly clear: PACE changes the lives of seniors and their caregivers. Where there was once frustration, fear, and anxiety, there is now support, peace of mind, and reassurance. These are just a few things that set the PACE program apart from other senior care providers and resources.
Flexibility in use. Your senior may use the PACE adult day health center up to 5 days a week. This provides coverage for caregivers during their work hours. Or, if a caregiver simply needs 1–2 days off a week, the senior can come to the center for just those days. It is up to you and your family to decide how often to visit our centers.
Our drivers will pick up a senior at his or her door and take them to the center, then transport them back home when the center closes at 4 p.m. This means caregivers do not need to worry about picking up their loved one after work, and their senior is home in time to enjoy dinner with family and friends.
Range of Services
McGregor PACE can be a place for seniors to socialize, exercise, and stay active. Our centers are also equipped with medical professionals who can provide urgent care and emergency services—in general, according to the National PACE Association’s PACE by the Numbers, seniors who participate in the PACE program make an average of less than one emergency room visit each year. This is usually a significant hospitalization rate decrease for families who are used to making regular trips.
Interdisciplinary approach to health care. Unlike most day health centers, McGregor PACE offers participants access to a team of individuals dedicated to their care. This includes nurses, doctors, therapists, social workers, and access to specialists as needed.
We understand that it can be a big change for seniors used to staying in the confines of their home to begin coming to McGregor PACE during the day. Our care team is here to help your senior feel welcome, comfortable, and at home at our centers so he or she can relax and enjoy the benefits of our program. If we can provide you with any additional information, or if you would like to schedule a visit to one of our day health centers, please reach out to our team.