LIVE at HOME. Your Goal. Our Priority!

888-895-PACE (7223)*

*not for medical emergencies or to discuss participant details

LIVE at HOME. Your Goal. Our Priority!

888-895-PACE (7223)*

*not for medical emergencies or to discuss participant details

Life Before and After PACE

The Impact of PACE for Participants

Discover the Difference of Life Before and After PACE

If you are considering enrolling yourself or a loved one in the PACE program, you and your family are likely struggling or overwhelmed by your current needs. We want to help you understand how PACE can be the light at the end of the tunnel for many Cleveland seniors and their caregivers by offering peace of mind and support. There is no better way to illustrate that than to highlight a couple common stories of how life changed before and after a senior began participating in PACE. Perhaps one of these scenarios will resonate with you.

Jean, who has dementia, lives with her son and his family. They have been her main caregivers around the clock, while balancing work and other obligations. 

Before PACE: Jean’s family struggled to be on call 24 hours a day to care for her needs. Taking her to her doctor’s appointments, providing her care, and managing her medications became a full-time job. Their personal lives, including focus on work and school obligations, were strained.

After PACE: Once Jean was enrolled in PACE, her care team took over providing her daily medical needs, including transportation to doctor’s appointments and managing her medications. Jean’s family was able to focus more on work and school during the day and continued to care for her in the evenings. PACE relieved much of their burden and helped them all regain a sense of normalcy.

Lewis had lived independently for years, but after suffering a heart attack, his daughter is increasingly concerned for his safety. He is adamant about continuing to live alone.

Before PACE: Lewis’s mobility and capacity to care for himself at home continued to diminish. When his daughter was not with him, she was worrying about him: Had he remembered to eat? What if he had fallen and needed help? She wanted to let him retain his independence but also wanted him to lead a more comfortable and fulfilling life, especially during the day when he was alone.

After PACE: After enrolling in PACE, Lewis looked forward to transportation arriving every morning at 8 a.m. to take him to the local day center. Instead of spending the day alone, Lewis was able to enjoy music, games, social activities, and hot meals. PACE staff provided the support and medical care he needed during the day and his daughter was able to go about her daily responsibilities without a nagging fear that her father needed her.

What will your family’s before-and-after PACE story look like? We hope you will reach out to our team to learn more about McGregor PACE services for Cleveland seniors and take the first step to determining your or your loved one’s eligibility.


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