LIVE at HOME. Your Goal. Our Priority!

888-895-PACE (7223)*

*not for medical emergencies or to discuss participant details

LIVE at HOME. Your Goal. Our Priority!

888-895-PACE (7223)*

*not for medical emergencies or to discuss participant details

PACE Senior Spotlight: Rev. Lewis Preston

Rev. Lewis Preston

How PACE Became Rev. Lewis Preston’s Second Home

PACE Services Provide Peace of Mind and Support

Rev. Lewis Preston cherished his independence, but when he suffered from a heart attack in 1999, living alone became a greater challenge. His daughter, Linda Maple, was worried about how he could continue to age in place safely in his Cleveland home. She began looking for a solution that would provide the support and peace of mind both she and her father needed, as well as a place that her father would be truly happy. The answer was McGregor PACE.

McGregor PACE offers participants like Lewis the opportunity to stay within the community, in their home, and with their family and loved ones close. PACE also provides wrap-around services like socialization, transportation to and from medical appointments, food programming and dietary guidance, social work, therapy, and much more.

The benefits of PACE are immediate. Once Linda helped Lewis enroll in PACE, his days became more structured. Each day, he would wake up, shower, get dressed, and wait for transportation to arrive at his home at 8 a.m. The McGregor bus would take him directly from his home to the doors of the day center. After he arrived at McGregor PACE, he’d start the day by enjoying his favorite breakfast: peanut butter and banana. Following breakfast, he would enjoy the various activities and programming, especially dancing and listening to music.

My father has always been independent. He loves being home, he likes tinkering with things, so he’s able to do that at home and he’s able to have his fun at McGregor PACE, so it is a good balance,” Linda said. 

I like it all. I like the doctors, nurses,” Lewis laughed. “McGregor PACE, a very fine place.

Lewis fondly referred to McGregor PACE as his second home. He and his family benefitted from PACE services until he sadly passed away in the summer of 2019 at the age of 99. 

If you would like more information about McGregor PACE for you or a loved one, please contact our team. We look forward to helping you explore your eligibility and options for services.


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