LIVE at HOME. Your Goal. Our Priority!

888-895-PACE (7223)*

*not for medical emergencies or to discuss participant details

LIVE at HOME. Your Goal. Our Priority!

888-895-PACE (7223)*

*not for medical emergencies or to discuss participant details

The Benefits of PACE for Couples

How PACE Allows Couples to Continue to Live Together

Relieving the Burden of Care Placed on Spouses

Many PACE participants utilize the program to continue living alone in their own homes. However, many seniors are living with a partner or spouse. There are more than 32 million married couples over the age of 65 living in the United States. As these couples age, their long-term care needs change. Sometimes a spouse will need to serve as a full-time caregiver at a time when his or her ability to provide care is decreasing. While the couple may want to continue living together, they may feel the only option is for the spouse in need of long-term care to move to a nursing home.

In these situations, PACE can make a significant difference. For example, in this Before I Found PACE video, Terri Ann Dirteater describes her experience following a stroke that left her unable to care for herself. The burden of her care fell on her husband Leon’s shoulders with no reprieve until they were able to enroll in PACE. Terri now calls PACE her “safe haven,” and the services have allowed her to continue living at home rather than move to a nursing home.

These are just a few of the many benefits of PACE for couples:

  • PACE supports a couple’s desire to grow old together in the same home.
  • PACE takes the burden of care from a spouse, providing relief and peace of mind.
  • PACE prevents the need for a child or a loved one to step in to provide future care.
  • PACE provides for a couple’s changing needs, such as a wheelchair or stairlift.

Are you currently acting as a full-time caregiver for your spouse in your home? Consider how your local PACE program might be able to support you and your family. Learn more about PACE eligibility and the enrollment process.


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