LIVE at HOME. Your Goal. Our Priority!

888-895-PACE (7223)*

*not for medical emergencies or to discuss participant details

LIVE at HOME. Your Goal. Our Priority!

888-895-PACE (7223)*

*not for medical emergencies or to discuss participant details

What Is Your Definition of Independent Living?

older woman wearing glasses sitting across from another woman

The Value of the PACE Program

Making Smart Decisions About Aging in Place

As an older adult, you have some tough—but essential—decisions to make. What is important to you as you age? Do you wish to remain in your home? What is your definition of independent living? Are you expecting an adult child or other family member to help provide the care you need? 

Many of us want to continue living in our homes for as long as possible. However, we simply cannot place the physical and financial burden on our children or loved ones to help us do so. If we want to prioritize our own independence, we have to take steps now. 

Consider your financial situation. Older adults are living longer and in some cases outliving their resources. Do you have the funds to pay for Assisted Living? Can you afford to hire a home health aide? For some adults, it is simply not financially possible to move to Assisted Living, and home health aides—who can be hard to find—often have a high hourly cost with  daily minimum hours required. You may be fortunate enough to have children or family members willing to provide the physical and financial support you need to remain in your home, but is this the best situation for all involved? Is it fair to your children, who need to save for their own retirement? 

This is why the PACE program is invaluable. There is a better—and smarter—way to stay in your home and age in place within your community. That way is through McGregor PACE. Instead of relying on family, or stretching your financial resources to hire in-home help, you can become a PACE participant and access our wide spectrum of services. PACE uses a community-based approach to enable older adults to continue to live in their home, helping you regain your independence while reducing the burden on your family and caregivers. 

Find the support you need to live independently. At our day centers, we offer health and support services like nursing, meals, and therapy as well as specialist care services ranging from hearing and vision to prescriptions and hospital care. Through the PACE program, you can also access home support services, including in-home meals and chore services. You will have an interdisciplinary team of doctors, nurses, social workers, therapists, and others devoted to your individualized medical care needs.

The first step is finding out whether you are eligible for PACE. Reach out to our team to take that step and discover the life-changing benefits of McGregor PACE.

Contact McGregor PACE

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