National Book Lovers Day and The Importance of Reading on Cognitive Health
Celebrating the Benefits of Lifelong Reading On National Book Lovers Day, celebrate the joy and health benefits of being a lifelong reader Pick up a beloved classic and explore new literary adventures that will continue stimulating your mind. According to many scientific studies, older adults who read regularly exhibit slower cognitive declines in […]
Navigating Grief After Losing a Friend
Many of us have lost a friend, but when we are older it becomes a more common occurrence. How do we navigate this grief and overcome our loss? Grieving the Loss of Friends As We Age Losing a close friend can be one of life’s most difficult experiences, especially as we age, and our circles […]
Live Life at Your Own PACE- now serving Lorain County
After more than a decade serving seniors in Cuyahoga County, McGregor, the only provider of the PACE [Program of All-inclusive Care for the Elderly] in the State of Ohio announces it’s expansion into Lorain County. A temporary location at 424 Earl Court will house the program for the next 8 months until the permanent location […]
When Do You Apply for Social Security?
Understanding the Timing of Your Social Security Benefits Ask Our Experts for More Information on October 4, 2023 Navigating life as an older adult can be incredibly complex—and understanding Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security can feel like a maze. At McGregor PACE, we want to help you feel as confident as possible with your future […]
5 Ways to Prioritize Your Mental Health Every Day
Promoting the Quality of Life of Our Older Adults Why Mental Health Is Critical to Your Overall Well-Being Many of us understand that we need to protect our physical health, but what about our mental health? Prioritizing mental health is crucial for older adults to maintain a high quality of life and overall well-being. Here […]
Having a Conversation About Hospice
Having a conversation about hospice with an aging parent can be difficult, but it is important to understand their wishes. These tips will get you started.
Social Media Savvy Tips for Older Adults
Many older adults enjoy using social media to stay connected with friends and family, but need to be mindful of some safety concerns. Check out these tips.
Container Gardening for Older Adults
There are many reasons why container gardening is a great hobby for older adults: the lack of physical strain, limited space requirements, and low maintenance.
Living at Home With PACE
PACE affords seniors the opportunity to age in place at home and, when ready, transition into an Assisted Living facility to continue the next phase of life.
Visiting a National Park With an Older Adult
If you are planning a vacation to a National Park with a loved one who has some mobility limitations, ensure a successful and enjoyable trip with these tips.