LIVE at HOME. Your Goal. Our Priority!

888-895-PACE (7223)*

*not for medical emergencies or to discuss participant details

LIVE at HOME. Your Goal. Our Priority!

888-895-PACE (7223)*

*not for medical emergencies or to discuss participant details

National PACE Association: PACE by the Numbers

PACE by the Numbers

Sharing Key Findings From the National PACE Association

As you and your loved ones explore options for senior care in Cleveland, we want to share some recent findings and data from the National PACE Association included in their PACE by the Numbers infographic from March 2020. By highlighting some of the facts they compiled through their research, we hope your decision will be easier and that, if you or your loved one is eligible, you will consider enrolling in the McGregor PACE program in Cuyahoga County.

PACE is growing.

  • Across 31 states with PACE programs, there are 264 PACE centers as of March 2020.
  • There are 53,000 individuals enrolled in PACE in 2020—up from 25,000 in 2012.

PACE allows our seniors to age in place.

  • 95% of enrolled seniors live in the community.
  • PACE provides an average of 16 trips per month per participant, transporting participants to and from day care centers for activities, meals, and health services. 
  • PACE serves 21,918 meals a day.

PACE provides high-quality outcomes for seniors.

  • Only 5 percent of nursing home-eligible participants currently reside in a nursing home.
  • There is less than 1 emergency room visit per participant per year.

Perhaps this is the most telling statistic of all: 97.5% of family caregivers would recommend PACE to someone in a similar situation. At McGregor PACE, we have testimonials from PACE participants and their families who speak very highly of their experiences in the program. 


Aside from the statistics we shared, there are several key findings of the PACE program that we would also like to share. These findings are the result of studies and research conducted by the National PACE Association. We believe these findings help tell the story of our PACE participants and their positive experiences:

According to the National PACE Association, PACE…

  • Treats the whole person, not just a combination of medical conditions.
  • Is effective and efficient in treating individuals with multiple and complex care needs.
  • Reduces the need for costly, long-term nursing home care.
  • Prevents and/or significantly reduces preventable hospitalizations.
  • Procures Medicare savings.

Beyond this, PACE participants…

  • Rate PACE high in satisfaction (as do their caregivers).
  • Tend to live longer than enrollees in a home- and community-based waiver program.
  • Report that they are healthier, happier, and more independent than counterparts in other care settings.

Are you ready to take advantage of the benefits of PACE for you or your loved one? We’d love to speak with you. McGregor PACE remains open for enrollment and would be happy to determine your eligibility and begin the enrollment process today!


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